Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

The Silent Highlander Arrives in June!

DonnaFletcher TheSilentHighlander eCover 200The Silent Highlander will be available in June! Don’t have a date yet, but I will keep you updated on it. 

There will be a sneak peek of a chapter from the book in my May 19th newsletter. So if you’re not a subscriber yet sign up now so you don’t miss it! Also in that newsletter will be news about a new project I’m working on.

Here’s a question I asked on my Facebook author page about pre-orders. If you have a moment, I’d appreciate the feedback.

Question… book pre-orders. I know the majority of readers like pre-orders but I was wondering… do you read all the pre-order books that drop into your e-reader or do they linger there? Do you recall pre-ordering a book that was ordered 6 or more months ago? Do you prefer short pre-orders, a month or less to longer ones? This question might take jogging the memory, though a guesstimation will do … how many pre-order books that you ordered never got read? Thanks for any feedback you can give me.



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3 years ago

I like pre-orders. Usually if they are about 1 month to 2 months in advance is great for me, because I know that whatever book or book series that i am reading at the time needs to be finished by the release date so i will be able to give my full attention to the new book or if the new release is part of a series i can go back and re-read the books that are already in the series. Hope this helps. Have a great day and keep the books coming!!!

3 years ago

I enjoy preorders and have never failed to read a preordered book yet. If it is a long preorder, 6+ months I might forget it but then am pleasantly surprised when I open the kindle and BAM! new book. Preorders help me because I can say ‘oh heres an author and book series I enjoy, let me get the next book’ and I dont have to remember when it releases. I am dying at the moment waiting on the silent highlander and I know i will forget it a few times in the next couple weeks.

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