Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Share a Book

BookShelfMy son Marc wrote a great blog about his daughter and comic books. How they’re meant to entertain and enjoy, and not merely be read and stuck safely away in a protective plastic cover and box. Oddly enough, it got me to thinking about readers and their books. It’s nice to keep books on a shelf, sitting there looking pretty, or collecting dust until we’re ready to take them down and read them again. But how often do we actually reread them?
Books are meant to be shared and, like an unspoken rule, readers know that and do just that…they share. My sister and I, plus two friends, trade books and when we’re all done with them, the one woman takes them to her mother’s retirement home for more people to enjoy.
Naturally, I have my keepers as do the other women, but without sharing books I would never get to read so many. I believe any avid reader would agree with me. And any bibliopbag of books greenhile just couldn’t possibly afford to buy all the books she wants to read.
I visited with a romance readers’ group and part of their meeting involved the group dividing up books to share. They each enthusiastically recommended the books they had brought and they just as enthusiastically scooped them up. Some books even had a waiting list.
You might think being a writer I would think differently about sharing books, but not true. Many readers who contact me tell me that it was through a friend who shared a book of mine with them that they first learned about me. They then went on to buy my other books and recommend them to others.
Sharing books work not only for readers, but writers as well. So share a book or two today and spread the joy of reading.

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15 years ago

Hey! I just read your blog! I totally agree with you. I am an avid reader and I love reading all different kinds of genres from mystery to fantasy to romance. It’s always wonderful to read something different from what you’ve been reading before. I’ve always been much of a mystery nut as I love reading the Alice Nestleton mysteries by Lydia Adamson. She is a wonderful author who I continue loving to read from.

And my friend Tonya is the one who introduced me to your novels and I can’t help but read them over and over again and tell my friends about you. One of my friends actually went out and bought one of your books to read for herself and she enjoyed them. Now she’s a fan and can’t wait for more of your novels.

Reading is not a job to do. It is a privilege. Getting lost in a different world where you can do whatever your heart desires? To be able to feel yourself as that heroine saving those in need? To be the lovely maiden being whisked away in the strong arms of a ruggedly handsome highlander? Oh yes! It’s definitely a privilege and I enjoy being able to envision the fantasy world in my mind! It’s a wonderful feeling!

And thank you for bringing this knowledge out into the open, Ms. Fletcher! An honor to read your novels!

Donna Fletcher
Donna Fletcher
15 years ago

Thanks so much, Zaru, and I’m going to have to give the Alice Nestleton mysteries a try!

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Donna’s books are also available at Books-A-Million.

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