Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Rolling into summer...

Summer is right around the corner so I decided to do something special with my blog for the summer months. Here’s what’s happening in July…

The first week in July I’m having an American Collection Celebration Week. I’ll be blogging about the books in my American Collection, ones already part of the collection and ones yet to come. You’ll learn the reasons I wrote some and how it felt when I saw my first book on the bookstore shelves. Tuesdays in July will highlight my various western heroes. Saturdays in July I’ll be talking about new westerns in the works and posting excerpts from them.  I’m also searching the archives for some pics of me at book signings years ago to include in some of the posts.

I’ll be on a ten-stop blog tour from July 15th thru the 28th talking about Untamed Fire and what’s to follow and will let you know where in case you’d like to stop by.

Next is August the hottest part of the summer so it’s only fitting that we talk about the heat… in romances. I’m thinking something like Sizzling Sundays and Wicked Wednesdays and I have plenty of Highlanders that can help out with that.

In September look for my blogs to be All About My Highlanders past, present and future.

Fun things in the works so stay tuned… 🙂

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