In my research into witchcraft for my witch series The Wedding Spell, Magical Moments, Magical Memories and Remember The Magic, I came across information that challenged the fact that witch means “wise.” The author made interesting points referencing the Indo-European root of “Weik” and moving through Old English, Old and Middle French, Old Norse, Old High German, etc. to connect that Old English witan “to know” and any aspect thereof were unrelated.
What the author determined through research was that wican meant “to bend.” I imagine there are those who would disagree with these findings. However, if you examine the history of witches and even consider neo-paganism isn’t that what witches have always done? Witches know when and how “to bend.” They know how to connect to Earth’s energy and know Her rhythm and so they bend with it, flow with it and most importantly live it.
I took this thought into consideration when I wrote Under The Highlander’s Spell. In it you will meet the heroine’s grandmother, Bethane. Who at the time would have been declared a witch, but in reality she is a woman of nature, of the Earth, a woman who knows how “to bend” with the beauty, trails and tribulations of life.
Bethane is a favorite character of mine and I do hope you enjoy reading about her.
Witch "Wise"
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