Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

The King & His Queen


The King & His Queen now Available!

  The King & His Queen is live at… Kindle, itunes, Kobo, Nook, Goodreads   Hope you enjoy the King…

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Any day now...

The King & His Queen should be available by the weekend! Will post links when they are available! Winners of…

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Update on The King & His Queen!

If my schedule holds, I hope to have The King & His Queen available in the next two to three…

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Want to win an ARC of The King & His Queen?

To celebrate the release of The King & His Queen in February, I’m giving away five ARCs (advanced reading copies)…

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The King & His Queen Excerpt

A brief excerpt from The King & His Queen Available February 2017 Talon’s heart slammed against his chest when he…

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Tis the season... for an excerpt!

The holiday season is just beginning and in between shopping, baking, wrapping, and so much more, I’ll be busy with…

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Where to Buy Donna's Books

  • Buy on AppleBooks
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  • Buy from Audible

Donna’s books are also available at Books-A-Million.

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