My summer plans are often well thought out, though never work out. So this year my summer will be divided between writing and summer fun… beach, barbecues, pool time, tending my plants, kicking back and simply relaxing.
I get to spend extra time with my grandson and granddaughter, lunches out, shopping, and trying to beat them at water games in the pool. I spend way too much time laughing to ever beat them.
My summer writing projects involve Cree & Dawn. I’m working on the novella I mentioned in a previous post, hoping to have the cover ready to reveal soon, and also My Highlander A Cree & Dawn Novel. I love writing about this couple. There’s something amazing about their relationship, the strong bond they’ve built, their love that grows ever stronger.
I’m also plotting a new trilogy and hope to have some news to you soon about it. Many of you have asked me about Diablo’s Angel. I’d love to tell you it’s almost done, but it’s not. I had quite a bit written when I realized it wouldn’t work. So it’s back to square one. I know you’ve been more than patient but I want this book to be well worth reading and until I can get it there, the book will be delayed.
I hope your summer plans include some enjoyment and relaxation.
The pic is my little oasis in the my backyard. I retreat there with a book to read, a big glass of iced tea or my laptop to write. Both Crees, the character and the dog, often join me there.
Happy summer everyone!