This is a difficult time for sure, the COVID 19 virus keeping us housebound.
I remember when I was young complaining to my grandmother that I was bored. Her response was find something to do: clean, sew, knit, cook, bake, to her there had been endless choices. My grandmother taught me a lesson in how not to be bored. And today we have far more endless choices to keep us busy thanks to the Internet.
I keep busy with my writing, getting my garden ready for planting, and my containers ready for a deluge of flowers and herbs. I love cooking with fresh herbs. chives are a favorite of mine. I add them to many dishes. A quick step out on my deck and a snip or two and I have what I need.
If you’ve never tried herbs or if you’re familiar with them have a look at at 11 Herbs Every Cook Should Use. I grow a good many of them and enjoy them well into the warm fall months.

The large pot in the pic holds my regular chives and the smaller pot are my onion chives. They’re growing beautifully thanks to the nice weather.
I hope you’re staying well and safe. If you have a moment leave a comment and let me know what you’re up to.
P.S. Royden and Oria’s story, Pledged to a Highlander, is coming along nicely!
Hi Donna, I always love reading your blog, It’s so interesting. It’s been to cold here to do much of anything. We have a nicer day today. I have a friend of mine who also uses fresh herbs. It’s something that she and her son do together.
Can’t wait for Royden and Oria’s story. I need to make sure that I can get it when it goes on sale and I get it on my Amazon Kindle.
I sure hope all is well with you, and that You are staying safe.
Hope you get nice weather soon, Nancy, and flowers start popping up.
Glad you had nice weather today.
We’re staying well. Hope you are too.