April is here, flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, spring showers are on the way so in celebration of April’s arrival I’m doing a fast and easy giveaway for the month!
Leave a comment and take a chance to win a $25.00 Amazon gift certificate.
The comment can be about anything or if you have a question for me ask away.
The giveaway is open for the whole month. I’ll pick a winner from the comments on April 29th.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
UPDATE: The winner of the $25.00 Amazon Gift Card is Corynne T!
Love all your books! Take care!
Thanks, Shelly! Stay safe and healthy!
Hope you’re doing well! It’s beautiful here today! I may take a walk if the pollen don’t get me. Lol!
Doing well here, Cathy. Hope you are as well. It’s a nice day here. Enjoy your walk and watch out for that pollen. 🙂
Thanks for the chance.
You’re welcome, Nancy.
Love your books
Thanks so much, Edna.
Hope your staying well !!
So far all is good, hope the same for you, Julie.
Hope all are staying safe and healthy!!
So far so good, Susan, wishing the same for you.
What a good joke. Thanks again for taking the time to be with your fans. Can’t wait till the next story.
Glad you enjoyed the joke, Shannon, and I’m glad my fans are taking the time to be with me as well.
I love the beautiful colors during this season, but my allergies don’t. Lol! Hope everyone is doing good and staying healthy.
I know the feeling with allergies, Misty. I have to be careful with extra strong smelling flowers. We’re all good here, hope it’s the same for you.
I really enjoy reading your books, especially when I am sick they always seem to make feel better
Thanks, Crystle, and glad my books can give you an extra boost when you’re under the weather.
Love the joke, thank you.
So glad you loved the joke, Susan.
Please stay safe!! Not just because I want more books from you but because anyone who writes as wonderfully as you do would be a fantastic person and an amazing friend!! Though I do want more books since I’ve read and own all the ones you put out!
Thanks so much, Rachel, that’s so nice of you to say. And I’m thrilled that you have read and have all my books.
Take care and hugs!
Love your books
Thanks, Kathy!
I love your books! Stay safe and heathy 🙂
Thanks, Jessica! And so glad you enjoy my books.
In these trying times I find great pleasure in reading one of your books which allows me to clear my mind. I love nothing better than to get lost in the highlands with one of your characters. Keep them coming!
Thanks so much, JoAnn. I’m in the Highlands myself right now in my present book with lots more books to come. Take care.
You are one of my favorite writers. God Bless and stay safe.
Thank you, Gail. Stay safe and well.
Been in quarantine going on week 3…. rereading my entire donna fletcher collection… whoch is literally the entire thing… i have every book… so a book a day…. its nice to relax and have this time to reconnect with some old characters.
My entire collection, WOW! Doing a happy dance hearing that, Kylie. It is really nice to connect with old characters, which makes me now want to do some novellas on a few.
Love your books!! Reading is such a great way to getaway and relax especially in this challenging time. Stay well!
I couldn’t agree more, Darcy, and I’m happy to know you love my books. Hugs!
Love your books. You are one of the very few authors who I know never disappoints me. Every book I read from you I fall more in love with. Can’t wait to read your upcoming books. I hope you are stating safe & healthy during this pandemic. I been rereading some of your books to get me through the quarantine at work. Thanks for all you do.
Thanks so much, Valerie, and I’m glad my books can be there for you doing these difficult times. That’s quite a compliment.
Hallo.It’s so nice of you to think all of us.We stay home and keep hopefull.
Glad you’re keeping safe, Akrivi, and hopeful. That’s so important.
I love all your books and the joke you just sent was funny. Can’t wait to read new books from you.
So happy you enjoyed the joke, Alvia, and glad you enjoy my books.
HI Donna with the stay at home order… I’m rereading some of my “Donna Books”… my favs are the highlander books. Thanks for brightening these tense and worrisome days. Love you and stay safe❤?
Hi Linda,
How nice that you’re rereading some of my books, so glad you enjoy them enough to do so. That’s truly a high compliment.
Hugs! 🙂
I sometimes think of good opening ideas for books but dont know where to go from there. Do you ever get ideas from others?
A good opening to a book is what keeps a reader turning the pages, Mary. Think on what your opening is saying or maybe not saying, and see where it takes you. Characters pop into my head and they usually take me to a story. And I have plenty of characters visiting me. 🙂
Greetings from Arizona where the wildflowers are gorgeous, the birds are singing and I am getting in a lot of reading..
I enjoyed the books of yours that I have read.
Glad to hear from you in Arizona, Joy, and I can only imagine how beautiful the wildflowers must be. Glad you’re getting to read a lot.
Cute joke. Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it, Pat.
Thanks so much! Take care.
You’re welcome, Jackie. Stay well.
u can never have too many books.
keep smiling !
I completely agree on both, Bev. 🙂
I have 17 of your books in my kindle library I love the highlander romance , Scottish Lairds, such cant read enough, thank you for your talent, I retired 2014 and reading your books since
Thanks for being such a supportive fan for several years, Fran. And a belated happy belated retirement!
Hi all! Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
My question – Will you be putting more books into audio? I love the audiobooks for my exercise time each day.
Thank you!
I believe a few more of my books that are still with HarperCollins will be going into audio, Lisa. I’ll keep everyone updated.
Thanks for some great books to read during This time we are all social distancing has made it easier for me?
Glad my books are some help during this difficult time, Kelley. Take care.
Love your books. Thank you so much ! God bless you.
Happy that you love my books, Lea. Stay well.
Stay safe and well. Catching up on some reading during this time.
That’s always a good thing to do, Janet. Take care.
Fixin to reread the earlier Ranchero Books so Diablo’s Angel will be better to me.
I love my Ranchero heroes and also the brave women who love them, Karen. Enjoy!
Hi Donna
Big fan of your books. Especially like cree and dawn short stories collection. Please keep them coming. Meanwhile, stay safe. Thanks!
Thank you for being a big fan, Parnika. Cree & Dawn are a favorite couple of mine. Take care.
Enjoy reading your books. Stay safe and healthy!
Glad you enjoy my books, Jean. Take care.
I so enjoyed the Pict King and Cree & Dawn series. I read them over and over!
Two favorites of mine. Those Pict warriors were a challenge to write, but I so enjoyed them, Marcy.
I hope you have plans to put more of your books on audio. I loved the first one.
I believe more of my books that are still with HarperCollins Publishers will be coming to audio, Bernice. When I hear something, I’ll let everyone know.
Thank you, I really was feeling down and your joke helped:)
I’m so glad my joke brought some brightness to you, Yusra. Hugs!
Love all of your books. I re read them when I dont have anything to read.
I’m so glad you enjoy my books enough to read again, Donna.
I recommend your books all the time to my reading buddies. Please keep writing ❤️
Bless you, Sabrina. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to get new readers. Take care!
I hope you are doing good and staying healthy. With being forced to stay home and no money to do anything, I have been doing a lot of reading lately. I am catching up on all of the books on my Kindle that have been overlooked.
We’re all good here, hope the same for you, Janine. And it’s a wise thing to do, catching up on books on your Kindle.
During this difficult time, keep in mind, this too shall pass. Take this opportunity to be grateful for all you have and for family and friends. Grab a good book and enjoy!
Excellent advice, Nancy!
Absolutely love your books. I would like to read another series on warrior madien as they are my favorite.
Thanks so much, Sherell.
Thank goodness for books, I have read all of yours that I can find. Stay healthy
And thank goodness for supportive readers like you, Marilyn. Take care.
Love all of your books! Please stay safe and take care.
So great to know you love my books, Sharon. Take care!
I am new to your books and would love an opportunity to read your stories. Thank you for a wonderful book buying giveaway.
Welcome, and thank you, Aida.
Love all your beautiful and amazing books. Take care and stay safe. Much love ??
Thanks so much, Hailey. Take care.
Well. Rather then cleaning my house during the quarantine I am reading your books over and over and over ?
Stay safe ? and keep them coming
Who needs a clean house anyway
Thanks for the laugh and I agree with you. I’d rather be writing. 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful April Fools Day and thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks and have a great day, Shannon.
It’s time to binge read all your books! I finally have the time…can’t wait. ?
Sounds good to me, Christine. Enjoy! 🙂
I really appreciate the escape your books provide me. I can sit down and be taken away to another time with brawny handsome men are tamed by spirited strong women. I love your books, and often read them in a day. Take care of yourself and you family. Thank you for sharing your books.
I’m so glad you can escape into my books, Nancy. I escape into them myself while writing them. Though those Highlanders can me trying at times. LOL