Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Viking Romances

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQux2 cZ 1 KgQZfUbE8aq55FoME1fr4HVbIvlhFLfm9dl2YuwuFor those of you on my author’s Facebook page, you know I posed a question about Viking romances and the response was overwhelmingly favorable, much more so than I ever imagined. And I was thrilled since three distinct Vikings have been haunting me night and day. They are in my thoughts, my dreams, and wouldn’t you know it, books, articles, and magazines on Vikings have been falling in my lap. With that kind of persistence I can’t ignore them. Besides they’re too enticing to ignore.

So  I had no choice but to get started on a Viking Trilogy, not that my arm needed twisting, though some of my Highlanders are a bit peeved that their stories are going to be delayed. But my Highlanders shouldn’t mind too much since Vikings are their distant relatives, with evidence showing that Vikings may well have settled parts of northern Scotland and Ireland.

Look for more info on my Viking Trilogy coming soon and many more Highlanders books as well!


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