Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Updates to Blog Page

I wanted to point out a few updates to my blog page. To the right and with thanks to my publisher HarperCollins you’ll find Under The Highlander’s Spell cover with a countdown clock to the book’s release date. I just love it! It’s like a countdown to that great man who’s going to walk into your life… and believe me Artair Sinclare is worth the wait. Remember he’s the handsomest of the four brothers and the most practical. So, naturally he has to meet a woman who tests that quality.
There’s also a brief trailer that’s heart pumping and just above the new trailer is a place to subscribe to my blog. After all you don’t want to miss out on what’s happening with the Sinclares, especially what’s keeping Ronan from returning home. And do browse my Shelfari bookshelf to see what I’ve read and what I’m reading and believe me I have more books to add.
Enjoy my blog page and feel free to comment or e-mail me at

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Donna’s books are also available at Books-A-Million.

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