Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Rogan... having his hands full with Emma... The Highlander's Stolen Heart

Here’s a brief exchange between Rogan and Emma to wet your appetite for lots more to come in The Highlander’s Stolen Heart… available June 2014.


DonnaFletcher_TheHighlandersStolenHeart_200px“Since I have no choice but to take you along, listen well to what I say,” Rogan commanded. “You will obey my every word, for I have no time to deal with your foolish antics that serve no purpose but to delay my search for my intended.”

‘Delay your search?” Emma repeated incredulously. “You did a fine job of that yourself. And my foolish antics found the trail of those who took my sister, so I warn you, I will let nothing get in the way of finding my sister—not even you.” With a yank to her horses’s reins, she took off.

Rogan mounted his horse and with a furious look on his face, followed after her, his warriors wisely giving him a wide berth. He guided his stallion next to Emma’s mare and in an even, though threatening tone said, “Issue me such a warning again and I will see you bound and draped over your horse and sent home to your father.”

Emma smiled pleasantly. “You would have to catch me first.”

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10 years ago

I’m loving what I’m reading between Rogan and Emma. Love is in the air.

Cathy Henderson
Cathy Henderson
10 years ago

Am loving it so far! Can’t wait for the entire book!

10 years ago

OMG I can’t wait to read this book. I check everyday for updates June can’t come soon enough. I would love to read the arc for this book.

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