I believe life is like a novel. You have no idea what the next chapter will bring.
I was unexpectedly called to babysit my granddaughter, who is almost three years old, for a few days. I love spending time with her. Young children have the most wonderful imaginations. My granddaughter and I shared delicious teas, wore fancy hats, danced, decked ourselves with my costume jewelry and read books.
I think I know Cat in the Hat (Dr. Seuss) by heart, though I do recommend Fancy Nancy (Jane O’Connor, author and Robin Preiss Glasser, illustrator) books. They encourage the imagination and stretch the vocabulary.
In May I will be spending time with my three and a half year old grandson. He and I will build towers, race cars, bounce on his bed and his all time favorite… huddle under the invisibility blanket where no one can see us. And of course, we will read his and my favorite book.. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffee Numeroff and Felicia Bond.
This is to let you know that breaks in my blogging means time spent with my grand kids. Time I wouldn’t give up for anything… besides as I said life is a novel in progress.
What’s your next chapter about?
Life is Like a Novel
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