Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Book Lovers Group

I met with my book lovers group last night. It was our Christmas grab bag get together, and of course the only rule was that the gift must be a book. We’re not a book club reader group that meets regularly to discuss a chosen book. We meet a few times throughout the year and come armed with lists of books we’ve read plus munchies and wine to enjoy. It’s a great way of learning about books I might never have known existed.
There are no limits to what type of books we read, our common thread being simply our love of books.
Right now I’m going to recommend a few mysteries, thrillers and adventure books but look for other genres in the near future.
Vanishing Act by Thomas Perry, Jane Whitefield series, mystery
Creepers, and the sequel, Scavenger by David Morrell, thriller
The Eight, and the sequel, The Fire by Katherine Neville, adventure
The Divine Circle of Ladies Making Mischief by Dolores Stewart Riccio (1st book in this Wiccan series is Circle of Fire in case you would like to start at the beginning) mystery
Speak Daggers to Her by Rosemary Edghill, a Wiccan based mystery

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