Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Highlander’s Promise

Story 2: Cree & Dawn Short Stories

About the Book

Dawn gave Cree her heart… now will she need to give her life to save him?

As Cree prepares to leave on a critical mission for the King, he and Dawn savor their last night together, holding tight to each moment. Cree reassures her that he will return safely, but the following days bring devastating news—Cree has been falsely accused and imprisoned in a dungeon known for being impossible to escape.

The news nearly breaks Dawn. Despite Sloan and Cree’s warriors planning a rescue, the odds are grim. But Dawn’s love for Cree leaves her with only one choice. She decides to rescue him herself, no matter the danger. With her heart leading the way, Dawn embarks on a daring mission to save her husband, defying all odds and proving that love is stronger than any prison walls.

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The Details

Published: August 14, 2015
Publisher: Donna Fletcher
Formats: Ebook
Genres & Tropes
Scottish Romance, Highland Romance, Highlanders, Scotland, Picts, Historical Romance

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